
This course is out of date.

Express Changes

The latest version of express has deprecated the body parser middleware.

That means that when you see the following line of code:


you should instead use the following two lines of code:

app.use(bodyParser.urlencoded({extended: true}));

The latest version of express has also changed the session middleware a little bit and now requires that you explicitly specify a value for the resave parameter and the saveUninitialized parameter. So in the module on authentication when you see the following code:

app.use(session({secret: 'multi vision unicorns'}))

you should instead use the following code:

app.use(session({secret: 'multi vision unicorns',resave:false,saveUninitialized:false}));

Angular Changes

In addition to that, Angular 1.3 now requires a base tag when using html5Mode routing. In your layout.jade file (and maybe earlier in your index.jade), in the head you should place the following line of code:


MongoDB Changes

Current versions of MongoDB require a "query" when calling the remove function. So periodically in the course we will delete all the users from the db with the following command:


But instead, you need to pass an empty "query object" into the remove function like this:


Notes: To run the node server, type "node web-server.js" or "nodemon web-server.js" from the directory that contains the web-server.js file

Crypto Changes

In more recent versions of node.js update() and digest() are legacy methods. The new approach is to use the streaming API methods write() end() and read();

function hashPwd(salt, pwd){
  var hmac = crypto.createHmac('sha1', salt);