
Script to generate a channel list XML that can be imported into Android app - Smart TV Report

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook


Script to generate a channel list XML that can be imported into Android app - Smart TV Report

App - https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.adi.remote.phone&hl=en_GB

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Set channel numbers, names, image names


Standalone python script to generate xml output that's used as the import xml for the app

smartremote notebook.ipynb

JupyterLab notebook version of python script, will also list channels in csv file without a matching image file

mediaportal-uk-logos-master folder

location to place files taken from zip sourced at https://github.com/Jasmeet181/mediaportal-uk-logos


last sample file generated from make_smartremoteXML.pl copy over to folder on phone, import through remote app


  • Unzip latest uk mediaportal logos to 'mediaportal-uk-logos-master' folder
  • Update ChannelList.csv with any channel changes and/or new image names
  • Run python script to generate new smartremote.xml
  • Copy smartremote.xml over to android phone with app into smarttv_channels folder
  • Open app on phone
  • Go into settings, select Import/Export Channels
  • For Import filename type smartremote.xml
  • Tick 'Clear channels before import'
  • Press Import button
  • Import succeeded! will display if import has worked, press back button until your back to the channel list to see the result

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