Tools for managing creation of UK Radio Station jsons in format required for MoOde Audio
Excel - moode-metadata.xlsm - series of sheets to manage a master list of radio stations
- Sheet [Logo] - details logo filenames and station name, these must be the same
- Sheet [stations] - metadata for UK radio streams, add your own here, note that this list isn't maintained
- Sheet [master] - master station list (grey - formulas, cream - user updates)
- Sheet [Export] - generate station_data.csv that will be used by main notebook to create an import zip for moOde import
Jupyter Notebooks :-
- radiofeeds moode json.ipynb - main notebook for generating
- fuzzy-matching.ipynb - utility notebook to aid identify matching logo names to station names
Other files / folders :-
- - sample moOde stations import zip generated from radiofeeds moode json notebook
- moode-default.jpg -
- 600x600 folder - store radio logo's on jpg or png format, recommended size 600x600, variation ok
- playlist-images folder - image for playlist item
moOde import commands etc.. :-
- Delete current user radio stations, those < 500 are moode sourced radio stations which shouldn't be removed
- sudo moodeutl -q "delete from cfg_radio where id >= '500'"
- Import our user sourced radio stations (
- sudo python /var/www/util/ --import /home/pi/
- stream test of each of our user stations, radio-online.txt
- sudo moodeutl -u | tee /home/pi/radio-online.txt