Git, Composer, Gulp Test

This is a basic Git, Gulp and Composer skills test. If you familiar with these tools as you mentioned in your application, the test shouldn't take more than five minutes.

  1. Fork this repository to your local WordPress install inside plugins directory, you will need a Github account
  2. Using terminal run npm install inside the test-1 project directory that you just forked, this will install Gulp
  3. Run composer install inside the test-1 project directory, this will install a PHP dependency called Skelet
  4. Run gulp inside the test-1 project directory which will concatenate CSS and JS files
  5. Up issue the plugin version by increasing the plugin version number in `pressapps-document.php' on line 6, change the plugin version number to anything you want
  6. Commit the change and submit a git pull request for this change
  7. Compress the entire test-1 folder using zip and email it to us

To successfully complete the test you need to:

  • send us zipped test-1 folder
  • create a pull request on Github

Thank you.