
A document similarity engine built for CityGrows

Primary LanguagePython


This application uses the Doc2Vec Model to find simillar PDF permit documents to ones selected by the user.


Input Data

The input data for this application is saved in the following folders as PDF files. You can add more PDF documents to these folders as you start using this application

  • boards_and_comissions
  • similarity_engine
  • business_licence
  • dog_licence

Processed Data

The fieds extracted out of these PDF's are saved in the raw_datafields folder. The first column in each of these documents contain the pdf document name. The script_for_saving_pdffields python script is used for extracting out these fields

Jupyter Notebook

A pdf version of the Jupyter notbook used for testing out the concept is available in this repo as Using Doc2Vec Model to identify similar PDF forms.pdf. This would be helpful to to understand how Doc2Vec is performing calculating the most simillar documents

Setting Up

  1. Have python 3X installed in your local machine

  2. Add the python path to environment (follow this video) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y2q_b4ugPWk

  3. Once step 2 is completed, install the following packages by typing this in your command prompt

python -m pip install <packagename> e.g python -m pip install sklearn

Following packages need to be installed

  • gensim
  • sklearn
  • easygui
  • nltk
  • tika
  • pandas
  • pathlib