
A shopping list app created using the MERN Stack

Primary LanguageJavaScript


To setup the backend

A shopping list app created using the MERN Stack

  1. Use npm init to set up a new NPM package

  2. npm install express body-parser mongoose concurrently

express is for the backend and creating routes

body-parser reads the body of an incoming request

mongoose interacts with the MongoDB database

concurrently allows you to run multiple npm scripts at a time

  1. npm install -D nodemon With nodemon you don't have to restart the server every time you make a chage -D is used since nodemon is a dev dependency and is not needed in any public releases

  2. Create a MongoDB database at mlab.com and add a new database user. Create a config folder with a keys.js file and export your database URI as a Javascript object.

  3. Start the server using npm run server

To add React

  1. cd into the client folder.

  2. npm install -g create-react-app

  3. create-react-app .

To add Bootstrap

  1. cd into the client folder.

  2. npm install bootstrap reactstrap uuid react-transition-group

##To add Redux

  1. cd into the client folder.

  2. npm install redux react-redux redux-thunk