
API Service for Cloubi Blog

Primary LanguageJavaScript

REST API for Cloubi Blog

A Node.js REST API for create, uodate and delete posts with JWT user authentication


This API Service can be deployed and run on Docker. For instructions for installing Docker please visit https://docs.docker.com/get-docker/

Clone the project

Use either following command to clone the repository

git clone git@github.com:lakeedrock/cloubi_blog_server.git


git clone https://github.com/lakeedrock/cloubi_blog_server.git

Update configs

Go to config folder and make a copy of example.config.env and rename it to config.env

cd config
cp example.config.env config.env

useing your favoirite text editer update following fonfig values

DB_URL= Mongodb server url
For Docker : use mongodb://mongo:27017/cloubi_blog
If you wish to run the project locally : use mongodb://localhost:{local mongodb port | default: 27017}/cloubi_blog
PORT= Api service port which you wish to run the API service
SECRET= Secret for JWT token

Run the Project

Go to the project root directory and run following command to run the project

docker-compose up

Testing API

Use Postman application to test the API service. Download Postman application from https://www.postman.com/downloads/

Import API collection json file from cloubi_blog_server/postman/Cloubi.postman_collection.json to Postman. For more instruction please visit https://learning.postman.com/docs/getting-started/importing-and-exporting-data/

API Documentation

Check API is up and running

API Call : http://api_service_url/api/checkhealth
Method : GET
Body Parms : none
Response Object:
    "message": "ok"

Register User

API Call : http://api_service_url/api/register
Method : POST
Body Parms Object:
    "name": String,
    "email": String,
    "password": String
Response Object:
    "name": String,
    "email": String,
    "_id": String,
    "__v": 0

Login User

API Call : http://api_service_url/api/login
Method : POST
Body Parms Object:
    "email": String,
    "password": String
Response Object:
    "message": "success"

Get Current Logged User

API Call : http://api_service_url/api/login
Method : GET
Body Parms Object: N/A
Response Object:
    "_id": String,
    "name": String,
    "email": String,
    "__v": 0

Logout User

API Call : http://api_service_url/api/logout
Method : POST
Body Parms Object: N/A
Response Object:
    "message": "success"

Create Post

API Call : http://api_service_url/api/post
Method : POST
Body Parms Object:
    "title": String,
    "text": String
Response Object:
    "message": "success",
    "post_id": String

Get Post

API Call : http://api_service_url/api/post
Method : GET
Body Parms Object:
    "postId": String
Response Object:
    "_id": String,
    "title": String,
    "text": String
    "userId": String,
    "createdAt": Date,
    "updatedAt": Date,
    "__v": 0

Update Post

API Call : http://api_service_url/api/post
Method : PUT
Body Parms Object:
    "postId": String,
    "title": String,
    "text": String
Response Object:
    "message": "success"

Delete Post

API Call : http://api_service_url/api/post
Method : DELETE
Body Parms Object:
    "postId": String
Response Object:
    "message": "success"

Thank you !
