REST API for User Register, Update Info, Login with JWT and Change Password

Technologies and Frameworks / Libraries

  • Node.js
  • Express
  • Typescript
  • MySQL
  • TypeOrm


This API Service can be run in Node.js and MySQL environments

Clone the project

Use either following command to clone the repository

git clone


git clone

Update configs

Run following commands in your terminal to generate config files .env and ormconfig.json

// Change path to project directory
cd user_login_api

// Create config files
cp sample.env .env
cp sample.ormconfig.json ormconfig.json

using your favourite text editor update following config values

Environment configuration #.env file

PORT= { Application server port }
SECRET_KEY= { JWT secret key }
MAX_AGE= { Lifetime of JWT cookie : 86400000 (one day) }
FRONTEND_ORIGIN= { Origin for cors : "http://localhost:80" }

Database configuration #ormconfig.json file

  "type": "",           // Database type : mysql
  "host": "",           // Database host : localhost // mysql_server for docker
  "port": "",           // Database port : 3308
  "username": "",       // Database user : root
  "password": "",       // Database user password : Dev@r0ot
  "database": "",       // Database name: node_db
  "entities": ["src/entity/*.ts"],
  "logging": false,      // Set to true if you need to see logs in console
  "synchronize": true,
  "dropSchema": true

Run in docker

run following command in terminal in your project root

docker compose up

Run in local


  • Node Js and NPM installed
  • MySQL server installed
  • Postman installed (For testing purposes)

Install node modules

npm install

Run the project

npm run start

To build the project

npm run build

To run unit tests

npm run test

Testing API

Use Postman application to test the API service. Download Postman application from

Import API collection json file from postman/Node User API.postman_collection.json to Postman. For more instruction please visit

API Documentation

Register user

API Call : http://api_service_url/api/register

Method : POST

Body Parms Object:
    "firstName": String,
    "lastName": String,
    "email": String,
    "password": String,
    "passwordConfirmation": String

Response Object:
    "first_name": String,
    "last_name": String",
    "email": String,
    "id": Number

Login User

API Call : http://api_service_url/api/login

Method : POST

Body Parms Object:
    "email": String,
    "password": String

Response Object:
    "message": "success",

Get User

API Call : http://api_service_url/api/user

Method : GET

Body Parms Object: { none }

Response Object:
    "id": Number,
    "first_name": String,
    "last_name": String,
    "email": String

Update User

API Call : http://api_service_url/api/user

Method : PUT

Body Parms Object: 
    "firstName": String,
    "lastName": String,
    "email": String

Response Object:
    "id": Number,
    "first_name": String,
    "last_name": String,
    "email": String

Change Password

API Call : http://api_service_url/api/password

Method : PUT

Body Parms Object: 
    "currentPassword": String,
    "newPassword": String,
    "passwordConfirmation": String

Response Object:
    "message": "succcess"

Thank you !
