
Using face_recognition library to turn arduino on-board LED on and off based on the known and unknown person respectively.

Primary LanguagePython


Using face_recognition to turn arduino on-board LED on and off based on the known and unknown person.


  • Arduino Uno (I've used Arduino UNO R3)
  • Arduino IDE
  • Python (any version)
  • Visual Studio Desktop Development Tools
  • cMake

Python Modules

  • OpenCV
  • Dlib (need to have cMake installed to install dlib)
  • Face_recognition
  • PySerial

How to use

  • Clone the repository
  • Upload Helloworld.ino to arduino board
  • Change Serial name in face_rec_live under: ArduinoConn = serial.Serial("change here", 9600)
  • Run face_rec_live