
A C++ implementation of a dictionary which supports the following operation -

* Dynamic insertion of words
* Queries -
    1. Prefix search and count
    2. Suffix search and count
    3. Substring search and count

Design Details

The basic structure used to implement this dictionary is a generalized suffix tree. It stores each of the words in the dictionary in the form of a tree such that each suffix of every word has a root to a leaf path.

Each word is prepended with a '$' and appended with a '#' followed by the line number on which it appears.
For example, the words apple, mango, orange will be inserted into the suffix tree as $apple#1, $mango#2 and $orange#3. Each letter is further converted to its ascii numerical value in the actual implementation.

A suffix tree supports substring search in general and for other operations, these special characters are used.

  • '$' helps in prefix query. A prefix query for string S is a substring query of $S
  • '#' helps in suffix query. A suffix query for string S is a substring query of S#
  • The number in the end helps create a distinct node for each duplicate suffix in the word


Suffix tree construction is performed using the Ukkonen's algorithm for online suffix tree creation. Each suffix of every word is represented as a leaf node in this tree. Each node (internal and leaf) additionally stores the words (indices of words in actual implementation) all the nodes in its subtree are part of.

A substring query is performed by tracing the path from the root along with the edges corresponding to the string. On reaching the final node along this path, the result is the set of words on this node (representing the words in its subtree). Prefix and suffix queries can be reduced to substring search as mentioned above.


The suffix tree construction is linear in the total size of all the words inserted. If N words are to be inserted in the tree and the average length of each word is W, the suffix tree creation has complexity O(N.W).

The substring query of a string s of length S has complexity O(S). Prefix and suffix queries also have the same complexity.

Other features

  • Google tests for basic operations like insertion and queries
  • Benchmarking for performance

Build and Run


  1. C++17 compiler
  2. CMake
  3. Google Test
  4. Google Benchmark


Configure CMake

$ cmake -H<path to dictionary directory> -B<path to the build folder to be generated>

Build all the binaries

$ cmake --build <path to the build folder generated above>

For example, if you are currently in the dictionary directory

$ cmake -H. -Bbuild  
$ cmake --build build


The three main binaries (inside the build directory) are -

  1. src/dictionary
 Core implementation of the dictionary. It takes two command line arguments - 
 the word list file and the query file. 

 $ build/src/dictionary /path/to/wordList.txt /path/to/queryList.txt

 The output is printed to the standard console output and the errors on standard console error.
  1. tests/suffixTreeTest
Unit tests of the suffix tree and can be run standlone.
$ build/tests/suffixTreeTest

Also integrated with ctest so these tests can be executed by running 
$ ctest
inside the build directory
  1. perf/suffixTreePerf - performance benchmarking
  Performance benchmarking of the suffix tree. Run standalone using 
  $ build/perf/suffixTreePerf