
PayUbiz integration for hosted pages

Primary LanguagePHP


What it is

  • Integrates the PayUbiz services with Laravel application.




  • This package is available on packagist and we can simply download it by issuing the following command on terminal within the project root directory.
    composer require lakshmaji/payubiz
  • Add the Service Provider to providers array
  • Add the Facade to aliases array
        'PayUbiz' => Lakshmaji\PayUbiz\Facade\PayUbiz::class,
  • Try updating the application with composer (dependencies)
  composer update
  • Publish configuration files
   php artisan vendor:publish
  • Populate config/payubiz.php with credentials and enable production mode.
return [

    | PayUbiz Authentication Secret
    | Don't forget to set this.

    'merchant_id' => 'gtSsEw',

    'secret_key'  => 'eRyshYFb',
    'test_mode'   => true

Integrating PayUbiz services with the application

The following example illustrates the usage of PayUbiz package


namespace Trending\Http\Controllers\File;

use Carbon;
use PayUbiz;
use Illuminate\Http\Request;
use Trending\Http\Controllers\Controller;

 * -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
 *   PayUbizTest - a class illustarting the usage of PayUbiz package 
 * -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
 * This class having the functionality to do payment using
 * PayUbiz services
 * @since    1.0.0
 * @version  1.0.0
 * @author   lakshmaji 
class PayUbizTest extends AnotherClass
	public function doPayment()
		// get input data
		$data             = $this->request->all();
        // All of these parameters are mandatory!
        $params = array(
           'txnid'       => $data['transaction_id'],
           'amount'      => $data['amount'],
           'productinfo' => $data['product_info']',
           'firstname'   => $data['user_name'],
           'email'       => $data['user_email']',
           'phone'       => $data['mobile_number'],
           'surl'        => 'http://localhost/payubiz_app_development/public/back',
           'furl'        => 'http://localhost/payubiz_app_development/public/back',
        // Call to PayUbiz method 
        $result = PayUbiz::initializePurchase($params);
        // Redirect to PayUbiz Payment Gateway services
        return $result;
   * A method to process the results returned from the PayUbiz services
  public function processResultFromPayUbiz()
      $result = PayUbiz::completePurchase($_POST);
      $params = $result->getParams();
      echo $result->getStatus()."\n";
      echo $result->getTransactionId()."\n";
      echo $result->getTransactionStatus()."\n";
      echo $result->getStatus()."\n";
// end of class PayUbizTest
// end of file PayUbizTest.php  

