
sangam 16 library maintenance bot

Primary LanguagePython

Text Bot

A fully functional bot that takes input using an android app and fetches the required book/file for the User from an ideal Record maintenance system (Libraries, Court File rooms, etc)

Important features

  • The bot uses classic bluetooth HC05 for getting the input from the android application.
  • RFID Reader is used to identify the book's location.
  • 2 DOF arm is used to grip the book
  • Very limited navigation is possible.
  • Constraints: 3 books in each row, 2 rows in a rack.


  • Integrate the image recognition part of the code to the bot to give a wider range of coverage compared to RFID.
  • Try to increase the range of RFID by manipulating the firmware.
  • A better navigation system using line-follower or image recognition.
  • A better gripper arm that can work in ideal scenario.
  • updating bluetooth v2 to BLE