
Java code accompanying "Automating the Analysis of Spatial Grids" by Valliappa Lakshmanan, Springer, 2012

Primary LanguageJava

(1) Unzip and place the software somewhere. Let's say you have it in 

(2) Do a web search and install the following software on your computer:
  (2.1) Java 1.6.0_18 or higher
  (2.2) Eclipse 3.5 or higher     [Optional]
  (2.3) Apache Ant 1.6 or higher  [Optional]

From Eclipse:
  (1) Launch Eclipse.  Set its workspace to be $INSTALL_DIR/autospatialgrids
  (2) In Eclipse, File | New | Project | Java Project from Ant build file
        Browse to and select $INSTALL_DIR/autospatialgrids/lakshmanok-asgbook-xyz/build.xml
  (3) Now you can right-click on any file with a "main" method and run it
      as a Java application

From Ant (on command-line):
  (1) Compile the software by typing:
             ant build
  (2) Run any class with a "main" method as follows (shown for the KalmanFilter as an example):
       java -cp build:lib/Jama-1.0.2.jar edu.ou.asgbook.motion.KalmanFilter