Application Architecture - The UI Layer
Guess It is a word guessing app you can play with one or more friends. To play, hold the device in landscape, facing away from you with your thumbs on the Skip and Got It buttons. Your friends can then give you clues to help you guess the word.
If you get the word right, press Got It. If you're stuck, press Skip. The game runs for a minute and then shows you your score.
The following required functionality is completed:
- User can click on playbutton to start the game.
- User should see game screen with word to be guessed with timer running.
- When th user guessed the word correct before the timer goes off, screen should display new score and word by pressing "Got It" button.
- If not the "skip" button should produce reduced score and new word to the user.
- User will be transferd to final score screen when timer goes off.
- User can play the game again by pressing "Pay again" button.
- User shall be notified with buzzer when user running out of time.
- Impelemented MVVM Architecture using ViewModel, ViewModelFactory, View binding, Data binding, Livedata, and Navigation