2022-Dec-19 --- task fork the git from "https://github.com/sadanand-k/20221219.git". clone the repo to master instance from the personal GitHub. add a file with name "task" in /root/20221219/project/ path. append the below data in the "task" file. "Hi this is master instance" add a folder with name "folder" in the project folder and add hidden file in the folder with the name "hidden" and a file name as "image" with extension as "jpg" inside hidden folder push git clone the same repo to slave instance modify the data in "task" file as mentioned below "Hello all this is master instance" ignore the "folder" push git now pull the code into master instance and keep both data 1st line "Hi this is master instance" and 2nd line "Hello all this is master instance" in the task file. and push the final data into the git *Task should be completed by EOD and create a ppt with the screenshots of all the steps.