SecurePark : Parking Booking System

Programming Languages used in the web application :-
Frontend : HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript
Backend : Python, Django framework
Database : SQLite3

SecurePark is a web application made with Django. Django is a high-level Python Web framework used for creating web applications.

The web application mainly deals with the parking of different vehicles inside a parking lot. From entry of a vehicle to manage the car parking space and storing the details of owner we handles everything in a better way.

This application has sign up based login system for multiple users at single time. After successful login they landed on a page where they have to choose whether they have to enter their vehicle to the parking lot or want to exit it. After they have clicked on Entry than a page is opened where they have to enter their vehicle number and type of vehicle (two/three/four wheeler) and their contact number. After entring the given details they have to sumbit the details and click on print recipt. For every vehicle a unique tag number is generated which has al the details of the floor and space where the vehicle has to park. They can either print the page or simply click the image of the recipt.

Now if a user logged in and want to exit his/her vehicle than they have to enter the vehicle number, vehicle type (two/three/four wheeler) and the unique tag number which is assigned to them at the time of parking the vehicle if every detail they have entered is correct system shows that the vehicle has been found in the parking lot and a recipt is been generated for that vehicle which has the amount to be paid by the owner depending upon the time for which the vehicle is parked and the type of vehicle it is, so owner has to pay the total amount genetared.

SecurePark also has the contact us page which the users can use to contact the team regarding any issue, and a complaints section is also provided in the website where the users can register there complaints which is later reviewed by the parking lot owner. Fare chart for the correct fair of every vehicle depending upon the type of vehicle and time it is parked inside the parking lot is also there in the web application. This application also has a admin page for internal use only. Where the authorized person can see the details of vehicles that are parked inside the parking lot and the complaints that are registered by the users.

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