Safekeep Frontend Challenge

Technology stack

❗ Please use Yarn and ReactJS to setup the project.

Project Structure

There are 3 directories, each directory is one challenge. In total, there are 3 code challenges totaling to approximately ~70-85 minutes.

/rocket-ship has a difficulty: < 10 minutes

/dark-mode has a difficulty: ~ 30 minutes

/spootify has a difficulty: ~ 30-45 minutes


/rocket-ship 😄

Unecessary re-renders, fine grained control


/dark-mode 😐

State/Shared State, DOM manipulation


/spootify 😬

Loading state, API usage

How do they work?

The scaffolding is done for you. Simply run yarn in any of the directories to install the dependencies. Each application has a README with its requirements, you can use yarn start to start the local server.

Some might require connection to external APIs, but all information will be provided in the individual challenge readmes.