- 1
Software freezes up semi-randomly
#26 opened by DPodDolphin - 1
Support for USB interfaces?
#23 opened by ItsProfessional - 1
cant save actions.yml?
#22 opened by WeedusFetus - 5
Advice:Increase macroMyKBD‘s speed
#10 opened by PotatoJet - 2
How to send a macro key?
#13 opened by RealDrJester - 6
Add wrapping for key inputs
#12 opened by lal12 - 2
macroMyKBD work with AutoHotKey?
#8 opened by PotatoJet - 2
- 2
How to add 3rd 4th keyboard?
#9 opened by PotatoJet - 3
- 5
Media Keys and other Keys outside of the 0x07**** usb keycode block cannot be assigned
#3 opened by KGT1 - 2
How does macroMyKBD work with AutoHotKey?
#2 opened by PotatoJet - 0
- 1
- 1
How will MMKBD get the current KeyState?
#4 opened by KGT1