
Value-gradient iteration for convex stochastic control

Primary LanguagePythonApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

VGI - A method for convex stochastic control

Main Test

Value-gradient iteration (VGI) is a method for designing policies for convex stochastic control problems characterized by random linear dynamics and convex stage cost. We consider policies that employ quadratic approximate value functions as a substitute for the true value function. Evaluating the associated control policy involves solving a convex problem, typically a quadratic program, which can be carried out reliably in real-time. VGI fits the gradient of the value function with regularization that can include constraints reflecting known bounds on the true value function. Our value-gradient iteration method can yield a good approximate value function with few samples, and little hyperparameter tuning.

For more details, see our manuscript.

To install locally, clone the repository, and run pip install -e . in the repo directory. Optionally, create a pyenv or conda environment first. Note that the examples require additional dependencies,torch and cvxpylayers.

Convex stochastic control

We consider convex stochastic control problems, which have dynamics $$x_{t+1} = A_tx_t + B_tu_t + c_t,$$ where $x_t$ is the state, $u_t$ is the input, and $(A_t,B_t,c_t)$ may be random (but indpendent in time).

The goal is to minimize the average cost $$J = \lim_{T\to\infty}\frac 1 T \sum_{t=0}^{T-1} g(x_t, u_t),$$ where $g$ is a convex stage cost. The stage cost can take on infinite values, to represent constraints on $(x_t, u_t)$.

We consider approximate dynamic programming (ADP) control policies of the form $$\phi(x_t) = \text{argmin}_u \left(g(x_t, u) + \mathbf{E} \hat V(A_t x_t + B_t u + c_t)\right),$$ where $\hat V$ is a quadratic approximate value function of the form $\hat V(x) = (1/2)x^TPx + p^Tx$. If $\hat V$ is an optimal value function, then the ADP policy is also optimal.


In this example, we have a box-constrained linear quadratic regulator (LQR) problem, with dynamics $$x_{t+1} = Ax_t + Bu_t + c_t,$$ where $A$ and $B$ are fixed and $c_t$ is a zero-mean Gaussian random variable. The stage cost is $$g(x_t,u_t) = x_t^TQx_t + u_t^TR u_t + I(|u_t|{\infty} \le u{\max}),$$ where $Q$ and $R$ are positive semidefinite matrices and the last term is an indicator function that encodes the constraint that the entries of $u_t$ all have magnitude at most $u_{\max}$.

We can initialize a ControlProblem instance with state $x_t\in\mathbf{R}^{12}$ and input $u_t\in\mathbf{R}^{3}$ with

n = 3
m = 2
problem = BoxLQRProblem.create_problem_instance(n, m, seed=0, processes=5)

Adding the extra argument processes=5 lets us run simulations in parallel using 5 processes. By default, the cost is evaluated by simulating eval_trajectories=5 trajectories, each for eval_horizon=2*10**4 steps.

We can get a quadratic lower bound on the optimal value function with

V_lb = problem.V_lb()

To create an ADP policy and MPC policy with 30-step lookahead, we call

policy = problem.create_policy(compile=True, name="box_lqr_policy", V=V_lb)
mpc = problem.create_policy(lookahead=30, compile=True, name="box_lqr_policy")

Setting the argument compile=True generates a custom solver implementation in C using CVXPYgen.

To find an ADP policy using VGI, we run

# initialize VGI method
vgi_method = vgi.VGI(
# find ADP policy by running VGI for 20 iterations
adp_policy = vgi_method(20)

To simulate the policy for 100 steps and plot the state trajectories, we can run

simulation = problem.simulate(adp_policy, 100)

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

To evaluate the average cost of the policy via simulation, we can run

adp_cost = problem.cost(adp_policy)

Defining your own control problems

Examples of control problems can be found in The examples folder. To set up a new control problem, we can inherit the ControlProblem class. For example, to create a linear quadratic regulator (LQR) problem, we might write

from vgi import ControlProblem
class LQRProblem(ControlProblem):

    def __init__(self, A, B, Q, R):
        """Constructor for LQR problem"""
        self.A = A
        self.B = B
        self.Q = Q
        self.R = R
        n, m = B.shape
        super().__init__(n, m)

    def step(self, x, u):
        """Dynamics for simulation. Returns next state, noise/observation/measurements, and stage cost"""
        c = np.random.randn(self.n)
        x_next = self.A @ x + self.B @ u + c
        stage_cost = x.T @ self.Q @ x + u.T @ self.R @ u
        return x_next, c, stage_cost

    def sample_initial_condition(self):
        return np.random.randn(self.n)

To create a corresponding policy for the LQRProblem, we can create a LQRPolicy, which inherits from COCP, the class for convex optimization control policies (COCPs):

import cvxpy as cp
from vgi import COCP

class LQRPolicy(COCP):
    def stage_cost(self, x, u):
        constraints = []
        return cp.quad_form(x, self.Q) + cp.quad_form(u, self.R), constraints

The stage cost function takes in CVXPY variables x and u, and returns an expression for the stage cost, and any constraints on x and u. The COCP constructor takes the state and control dimensions n and m as arguments, as well as any additional named parameters, such as the positive semidefinite cost matrices Q and R, as well as the dynamics matrices A and B.

For example, suppose we have an LQR problem with state dimension 3, input dimension 2, and randomly generated dynamics:

# problem dimensions
import numpy as np
n = 3
m = 2

# generate random dynamics matrices
A = np.random.randn(n, n)
A /= np.max(np.abs(np.linalg.eigvals(A)))
B = np.random.randn(n, m)

# mean of c
c = np.zeros(n)

# cost parameters
Q = np.eye(n)
R = np.eye(m)

control_problem = LQRProblem(A, B, Q, R)

To create an ADP policy with randomly generated quadratic approximate value function,

from vgi import QuadForm
V_hat = QuadForm.random(n)
adp_policy = LQRPolicy(n, m, Q=Q, R=R, A=A, B=B, c=c, V=V_hat)

To compile the policy to a custom solver implementation in C using CVXPYgen, add the argument compile=True as well as a directory name for the generated code, e.g. name="lqr_policy".

To simulate the policy for T steps, run

T = 100
sim = control_problem.simulate(adp_policy, T, seed=0)

This yields a Simulation object. Calling sim.states_matrix gives a (T, n) matrix of the visited states.

To evaluate the average cost of the policy via simulation, we can run

adp_cost = control_problem.cost(adp_policy, seed=0)

This runs eval_trajectories simulations starting from different randomly sampled initial conditions, each for eval_horizon steps, and returns the average cost. The simulations may optionally be run in parallel.

Those parameters may be set explicitly in the constructor for the control problem. For example, if we construct the LQRProblem as

control_problem = LQRProblem(A, B, Q, R, eval_horizon=1000, eval_trajectories=5, processes=5)

then running

adp_cost = control_problem.cost(adp_policy, seed=0)

will run 5 simulations in parallel, each for 1000 steps, and return the average cost on those trajectories.