Getting Started

First, run the development server to see the interface:

yarn install
yarn dev

Open http://localhost:3000 with your browser to see the result.

You can start editing the page by modifying pages/index.tsx. The page auto-updates as you edit the file.


Detailed instructions for each task are in the comments of the corresponding file.

Task 0: Initialize Firebase


  • Create a Firebase project on Firebase Console
  • Enable Google Sign in
  • Add Firebase to the project
  • Initialize Firebase


Task 1: Implement Google Sign in with Firebase


  • Implement Google Sign in with Google button
  • Redirect to the Signed In page to show random programming jokes


Task 2: Fetch programming jokes from the API


  • Fetch programming jokes from the API using getServerSideProps

Learn more about Nextjs Data Fetching:

  • Pass the joke to the page on the client side


Task 3: Display the programming joke


  • Display the programming joke in your own way :)

(Optional) Task 4: Find a critical design flaw in the website

No need to send me the problem and fix, just let me know what you find in the interview

  • My findings:
    • There is latency after redirect result returned from Google Sign in
    • The user has signed in but the application are not signed in yet
    • Possible solution: Add spinning widgets to indicate the application is processing the result


  • Feel free to explore the codebase and make changes to the UI
  • You can use any UI library you want
  • It is completely fine if you cannot complete all the tasks as one of the objectives in this test is to let you know the usual developer experience in CheckMate
  • If you have any questions, please feel free to ask me :) Just drop me an email