Ory Hydra Sample Implementation


This repo contains two Laravel projects:

  1. server-app: This project contains the logic for Login, Consent, and Logout UIs for use with the Ory Hydra server.
  2. client-app: This project contains a sample OAuth2 client application to test the authentication.

Besides these, you also need the ory hydra from Ory Hydra's Github
See Ory Hydra 5-min tutorial for reference.

In order to test this, you must:

  1. Start the server-app to listen on port 8000
  2. Edit the ory hydra quickstart sample quickstart.yml file and change the port for self.consent, self.login, and self.logout from original 3000 to 8000 to match the server-app.
  3. Start the ory hydra docker containers by running docker-compose up --build -d from the ory hydra folder.
  4. Register a new client with ory hydra by running
    docker-compose -f quickstart.yml exec hydra hydra clients create --endpoint --id 8dJoZn1rY3oIH5R1Aau5aYl7TpuPTAVT --secret 49qkTWr7FmjQwAeaRkCuVz8aNXx4iRd1 -g client_credentials,authorization_code -c -a openid,offline
    This is telling ory hydra to register a client with the following specifications:
    client id: 8dJoZn1rY3oIH5R1Aau5aYl7TpuPTAVT
    client secret: 49qkTWr7FmjQwAeaRkCuVz8aNXx4iRd1
    redirect url:
    requested scopes: openid, offline is the ory hydra admin API endpoint. Now edit the client-app .env file and add the following environtment variable values:
    OAUTH2_CLIENT_ID=<client id>
    OAUTH2_CLIENT_SECRET=<client secret>
    OAUTH2_ISSUER_URL= #ory hydra public api endpoint OAUTH2_AUTHORIZE_URL=
    OAUTH2_RESOURCE_URL= #doesn't exist yet. placeholder for future
  5. Start the client-app to listen on port 8001
  6. Start the browser and go to Enter same value in username and password fields to simulate a successful login attempt.