
Deploy Django with Postgres on Nginx and uWSGI using Ansible

Deploy Django and Postgres on Nginx and uWSGI

We are using Vagrant and Ansible to deploy Django application on Vagrant box but you can reuse same ansible playbook to deploy on any other Ubuntu server 14.04. We are using Python virtualenv to deploy Django application.

Nginx is acting as a reverse proxy, handling /static/ and /media/ contents.

uWSGI is serving Django application


1. Vagrant=1.8
2. Ansible=2.1
3. Ubuntu Server=14.04 trusty
4. Python=2.7
5. Django=1.10
6. Postgresql=9.4
7. Nginx
8. uWSGI


  1. Update Vagrantfile to change your synced_folders.
config.vm.synced_folder "./mysite", "/var/www/mysite"
  1. Update inventory.ini to replace your server IP or host name instead of web
  2. Update shared_vars.main, /roles/setup/vars/main.yml, /roles/deploy/vars/main.yml and /roles/setup/templates to make your desired changes i.e http port, django settings module, project dir, Nginx and uWSGI logs etc

####Using Vagrant

# Switch to directory and run command to create machine and run provisions
vagrant up

# run provisions if machine is already created
vagrant provisions

####Using Ansible directly Switch to directory and run command to run provisions on machine listed in inventory.ini

ansible-playbook -i inventory.ini site.yml