
Kubernetes Mutation Webhook for injecting Berglas secrets

Primary LanguageGo

Berglas Secrets webhook

This chart will install a mutating admission webhook, that injects an executable to containers in a deployment/statefulset which than can request secrets using Berglas through environment variable definitions.

Before you start

Before you install this chart you must create a namespace for it, this is due to the order in which the resources in the charts are applied (Helm collects all of the resources in a given Chart and it's dependencies, groups them by resource type, and then installs them in a predefined order (see here - Helm 2.10).

The MutatingWebhookConfiguration gets created before the actual backend Pod which serves as the webhook itself, Kubernetes would like to mutate that pod as well, but it is not ready to mutate yet (infinite recursion in logic).

Creating the namespace

The namespace must have a label of name with the namespace name as it's value.

set the target namespace name or skip for the default name: berglas-secrets-webhook

export WEBHOOK_NS=`<namepsace>`
echo kubectl create namespace "${WEBHOOK_NS}"
echo kubectl label ns "${WEBHOOK_NS}" name="${WEBHOOK_NS}"

Installing the Chart

helm upgrade --namespace "${WEBHOOK_NS}" --install berglas-secrets-webhook helm-chart


The following tables lists configurable parameters of the berglas-secrets-webhook chart and their default values.

Parameter Description Default
affinity affinities to use {}
image.pullPolicy image pull policy IfNotPresent
image.repository image repo that contains the admission server weareonthespot/berglas-secrets-webhook
image.tag image tag 0.1.0
nodeSelector node selector to use {}
replicaCount number of replicas 1
resources resources to request {}
service.externalPort webhook service external port 443
service.internalPort webhook service external port 443
service.name webhook service name berglas-secrets-webhook
service.type webhook service type ClusterIP
tolerations tolerations to add []


The mutator requires that containers specify a command in their manifest. If a container requests Berglas secrets and does not specify a command, the mutator will log an error and not mutate the spec.


This project is derived from the Berglas Kubernetes examples available here, and is strongly inspired by the Vault Mutating Webhook