
The Eduflex Project backend developed using Java Spring Boot framework and we added dependencies of Spring web, H2 database, JPA, Spring Boot DevTool and Lambok in our project and for frontend we have used Angular, HTML, CSS, and TypeScript.

The EduFlex has 3 User Interfaces, The HOD Side, that can see overall summary charts of students performance, staffs performances, courses, subjects, leave, etc. Staff/faculty Side, can see the overall summary charts related to their students, their subjects, leave status, etc. and Student Side, that can see the overall summary charts related to their attendance, their subjects, leave status, etc.

Technologies Used


  • Angular
  • TypeScript
  • Boostrap
  • HTML
  • CSS


  • Java
  • Rest
  • Spring Framwork
  • Spring Boot
  • Swagger
  • Maven


  • Git
  • AWS
  • Jenkins
  • Docker


  • JUnit
  • Mockito
  • Karma
  • Jasmine


  • Eclipse IDE
  • Visual Studio Code


HOD Users Can

  • See Overall Summary Charts of Students Performance, Staffs Performances, Courses, Subjects, Leave, etc.
  • Manage faculty (Add, Update and Delete)
  • Manage Students (Add, Update and Delete)
  • Manage Course (Add, Update and Delete)
  • Manage Subjects (Add, Update and Delete)
  • Manage Sessions (Add, Update and Delete)
  • View Student Attendance
  • Review and Reply Student/Faculty Feedback
  • Review (Approve/Reject) Student/Faculty Leave

Faculty Can

  • See the Overall Summary Charts related to their students, their subjects, leave status, etc.
  • Take/Update Students Attendance
  • Add/Update Result
  • Apply for Leave
  • Send Feedback to HOD



This is a group project, below the list of contributors.

* Akshay Saragr
* Lalit Ghongade
* Mohammad Wakeel
* Kumari Sruchi Suman
