
A Ruby on Rails-based LMS platform tailored for hotel and hospitality training needs.

Primary LanguageRubyMIT LicenseMIT



Blackboard-lms serves as an LMS platform tailored to meet the training demands of the hotel and hospitality industry. Blackboard-lms is an open-source project developed using the Ruby On Rails framework.

Running in local

Install postgresql database version 15.x

You can either refer this https://www.postgresql.org/ or use package manager of your os to install postgres. In case of a mac os you can use https://postgresapp.com/ to set it up very easily.

Install ruby 3.3.0

The first step is to install ruby. In order to install ruby use rbenv or rvm so that you can easily manage the different ruby versions.

Using rbenv or rvm is a personal preference. To use rbenv go to rbenv and for rvm you can go here

After installing ruby clone the repo and then you can follow the steps below to setup the application.

# step1: Copy config files
$ cp config/database.yml.example config/database.yml
$ cp env.example  env 
# update these configuration files as per your local config values.
# step2: install bundler
$ gem install bundler

Go here and read about how to install npm and node

# step3: install dependencies
# install npm & nodejs 
$ npm install flowbite
# step4: install imagemagick
$ brew install imagemagick
# step5: run bundle install to install ruby dependencies.
$ bundle install
# step6: create & setup database
$ rails db:create
$ rails db:migrate
$ rails db:seed
# start server
$ bin/dev


$ rspec
$ rspec -f d                 # view test descriptions
$ rspec -f d --tag focus     # view test descriptions and run only focussed sections, usefull for debugging 

You can run guard to keep running the tests during TDD.

$ guard

Running using docker

Install docker in your local and then type docker-compose up to run the application using docker in local. You might have to do some additional setup like generating a master key and setting the RAILS_MASTER_KEY in Dockerfile