Introducemyself Comnity is a network of creativ content producer

🔴 Comnity dapp 🔴

FCS prototype (fusioned combination system) / 3 Pillars Core

startup / crowdfunding / SMT ( Smart Media Token ) / STO

Hello & Good morning

from Leichlingen Rheinland near Düsseldorf, Germany.

My name is Lars Lode, 41 years, 1 daughter, single

I am the creativ visionary & founder of Comnity.

Currently in startup phase and I am preparing the crowdfunding article .

Comnity We make awesome promotion

What is this all about ?

After some serious problems ( 2 disc prolapses ) and complication at my back surgery one day later I had another emergency surgery and I was unable to walk or feel in my legs until 5 th day later a little feeling came back into my feet and luckyly it got better. One months I had to stay in hospital. Then I had almost 1,5 years rehabilitation . So then I took part at re - training as a company technican.

It was a senior center with around 100 residents and 80 employees, and I was Head of Building Technology & security representative for medical products.

I was working 12 hours a da , six days a week, I didnt see my wife or little 3 three years old daughter Mira not very often.

I had to stay some weeks in hospital because of heavy depression with symtomes of Burn out

We had a very difficult time and my wife took my daughter and left me.

I had to go on with life and started to work again but nothing was like ever before .

After 5 years working at the senior centre I suddenly became my 3rd disc prolapse and my doctors said I had to finish my job immediately effective.

I had a lot of pain, struggeld around with pain pills and started drinking alcohol after 6 years of abstinence. So everything went totaly wrong and I had to go to rehab.

A few months later I was recovered again but now I had to face another problem :

I was homeless and without work this was a long time of 1,5 years.

With the help of friends I managed it to get unemployment benefit and a became a roomer in friends house, and I can use the garden house too.

I started to educate myself nights and days about social media and blockchain technoligy, and cryptocurrencies.

In all this time I always had the vision of building Comnity a dapp and creating Comnity Coin Token and start a new virtual game ecosystem.

NEW community driven hybrid website

providing FCS ( Fusioned Combination System )

a combination of mainstream & dezentralizied SocialMedia and dapps

with the goal of helping others educate about Blockchain technoligy

and business solutions preparing to mass adoption.

It is all about education, gamified learning , business,

Influencer - Social Media Marketing,

highquality content creator

music, art promotion, advertising,

artists supervisor & coaching, Motivation,

multi level marketing ( MLM )

Bounty Program

Partner Program

Affiliate Program



🔴 community driven hybrid website >>> under construction

🔴 > 30 several cryptocurrencies >>> ( January 2020 )

🔴 support several wallets >>> ( January 2020 )

🔴 rewards in cryptocurrencies ( Author + Curator ) >>> ( February 2020 )

🔴 COMNITY FCS prototype ( "fusioned combination system" ) >>> ( January 2020 )

( decentralized network / marketplace / shop / Blockchain, AI, VR, AR Technology ) >>> 3 Pillars Core

🔴 COMNITY dapp >>> ( 01.01.2021 )

Status :

》website soon ... ( under construction )

》preparing crowdfunding ( Februar 2020 )

》SMT (SMART MEDIA TOKEN ) ----》( Jan 2020 )

》STO ( Juni 2020 )

I hope you don`t mind that I am not a programmer ( but I have a friend he is helping me and some good friends supporting me too ) and I want to say it is very exciting to have the chance to be here.!/v/laloelectrix/m6h78pcmb3k

for any question please write me DM or email

Thank you very much for your time with best regards, Lars

( source : )