
Simple web crawler built using Node.js

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Web Crawler

####Simple web crawler built using Node.js

Getting Started

  • Clone the repo or download the zip file, and cd into the project folder.
  • Install dependencies and run the crawler on your site!
npm install
node index.js --domain https://vikaslalwani.com --batch 5


  • domain: sub-domain on which you want to run the crawler. Please note that this crawler will not cross sub-domains.
  • batch: instead of sending plenty of requests at once, it restricts the number to the batch size you enter. Only after finishing a batch it will pick next batch.

Note: A batch gets only five tries before next one begins. That's why you shoud not keep very high batch size. 5 is the default.

PS: 5 is a good number. Just saying!


This crawler is designed for gathering a subdomain's assets:

  • Crawls all pages of a subdomain. Excludes other subdomains.
  • Generates JSON output listing the URLs of every static asset(images, javascript, stylesheets), grouped by page.
  • Respects robots.txt of a site.
  • Batches the requests to avoid sending too many requests. Ideally, it will run at 1 page per second.
  • Keeps saving the output to output.json file locally. So even if you stop it midway, you will get your results.
  • Only crawls html pages. Ignores images and pdfs.
  • Gracefully ignores 404 pages.


├── README.md // you are here
├── crawlSinglePage.js // crawls one page at a time
├── index.js // manages the crawler. script starts here
├── node_modules // dependencies
├── output.json // final output
├── package.json // meta data about app
├── parseUrl.js // parses input url
├── robots.js // parses robots.txt
└── robots.txt // stores a site's robots.txt if one exists

How it works


  • Input url is parsed.
  • Crawling starts at the given page. Each crawl:
    • returns that pages's assets
    • more hyperlinks from that page
  • Newly discovered urls are added to the pool.
  • Crawler goes to more urls, and extract assets and even more urls.
  • Once all urls are crawled, program ends.

###Inside code:

  • Code starts with index.js, where init function:
    • parses the input url using parseUrl.js module and adds it to url pool.
    • fetches robots.txt using robots.json and stores banned urls in bannedUrls array.
    • calls checkCrawlingStatus function.
  • Next, checkCrawlingStatus keeps an eye on url pool. If all urls in the pool are processed it ends the program, if not, it calls processUrlPool function. It keeps calling processUrlPool every 5 seconds.
  • processUrlPool makes batches of certain size and fetches data from those pages using crawlSinglePage.js module. Only after finishing current batch, next one gets formed.
  • crawlSinglePage.js sends GET requests to individual pages and returns an object containing input url, page assets and newly discovered links.
  • The newly discovered urls are added to the pool and checkCrawlingStatus.js notices them in the next cycle.
  • Output file is appended after each batch is processed.
  • Once all the urls in the pool are done, program stops.

Known Issues

  • If no protocol given, it assumes https.
  • about and about.html pages will be treated differently.
  • Both http and https pages will be crawled.
  • Does not respect canonical tags.
  • Does not respect individual page's meta-robot tags.
  • Does not handle redirects.
  • Although it works, there are no unit tests yet :(