
simple gitter authenticated webapp with script hooks

Primary LanguageGo

Docker Automated build

This is a simple webapp authenticates with gitter oauth (github/gitlab/twitter). Once authentication is done, it calles out a bash script. The default one:

create a gitter oauth application

On gitter's developer site create new app Use redirect url as: http://gitter.yuorcustom.domain/login/callback

store oauth credentials

Store the newly generated oauth key and oauth secret in a secret:

kubectl create secret generic gitter \


Now you can create all the k8s resources:

  • deployment
  • service
  • ingress
export workshopNamespace
export domain=mydomain.com
curl -sL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/lalyos/gitter-scripter/master/gitter-template.yaml \
  | envsubst \
  | kubectl apply -f -



  • custom script from web form
  • several modular script, probably with plugn or pluginhook