Caching Express Server using Redis. (REDIS-STACK Docker Image)

Points to know

  • Redis is key-value pair in-memory(RAM) database
  • One string value limit is 512 MB.


  • Setup Redis server with Redis-Stack (GUI) using docker images

    docker run -d --name redis-stack -p 6379:6379 -p 8001:8001 redis/redis-stack:latest
    --name = name of container i.e redis-stack which is anything given by user
    -d   = it runs container in background (detached mode)
    -p   = map port 6379 to 6379 where 6379 is redis server default port
    -p   = map port 8001 to 8001 where 8001 is redis-stack (gui) default port
    redis-stack/latest  = latest of version of redis-stack server

    At first, the image will not be found in our system, then docker automatically fetch from the docker hub where the redis-stack image is hosted/located. and then will run the images.

    After succesfully image run we can see the gui of redis in port localhost:8001

  • Navigate to docker container where our redis server is located

    docker exec -it containerId bash
    -it  = interactive mode where we can write, delete, edit, ..
    bash = open bash terminal where we can put command
  • Test if redis-cli is exists in bash or not

    redis-cli ping
    redis-cli = entry command 
    Result = PONG
  • Open redis-cli

  • Store data in redis in key-value pair

    set <entity>:<id> value
    set user:name parbat
    set user:age 12
    user:name, user:age = key
    parbat, 12 = value
    **Set multiple key value**
    *mset user:name "hacker" message:1 "Ola gamostas"*
  • Get data from key

    get <entity>:<id>
    get user:name
    get user:age
    G**et multiple key value**
    *mget user:name message:1*
  • Store data only if key doesn’t exists using (nx) and called Locks

    set <entity>:<id> value nx
  • Counter increment/decrement using incre incrby decr decrby

    set count 0
    incr count                        result= 1
    incrby count 10                   result= 10
    decr count                        result= 9
    decrby count 5                    result= 4