All the info you need to install and manage a Quilibrium node

🖖 Introduction

{% hint style="success" %} COMPATIBLE with Quilibrium 1.4.21 (ready but untested for v2.0) {% endhint %}

{% hint style="info" %} The guide and the script are unofficial and have been created solely to support the project. {% endhint %}

If you are not experienced and you are looking for an autoinstaller for Ubuntu check the and the (you can also follow the

This guide will work for a Linux server with Ubuntu 22.04.X - If you use a different OS you can still follow the steps, but the auto-installer script will likely fail.

To run a node on Windows you can use WLS, see: Or you could use a Docker container (see below in "other guides").

To run a node on Mac see below in "other guides".

This guide has everything you need to set up and handle a Quilibrium node, plus a handy script to get your Ubuntu server ready and install all the apps you need.

I was once a total newbie too, so I made sure to keep this guide super noob-friendly. It's basically a collection of my own notes and trials from when I was figuring out Linux and managing my nodes.

Just take it step by step. You only need to follow the required steps up to the Backup your private keys page. Anything beyond that is optional.

Other guides

There are several unofficial guides to run a node. Here are the ones I know of, and I can vouch for (always double check any script before running it in your server). (Ubuntu - step by step & detailed)

If you are more experienced and want step-by-step detailed instructions, check out by Demipoet (Ubuntu - Docker - auto-installers & tools)

This guide is very similar to what I offer here, but there is a very handy Docker installation package. Made by 0xozgur.

Mac Kingcaster guide

If you want to install the node on Mac, use this guide, made by Kingcaster.

Is running a Quilibrium node still profitable?

It can be, especially if you're looking at a 6-12 month window. If you're aiming to make significant money within a month, it's probably not the best option. Running a node isn't simple at the moment because the protocol is still in its early stages, which means there may be bugs and obstacles, and competition among node operators is growing.

If you plan on renting a server to run a node, make sure to get a high-quality machine (not a cheap VPS) and have a financial buffer to cover the cost for at least 3 months before evaluating your situation. Additionally, be prepared to invest time in learning how to manage your node, keep it updated, and address any issues promptly.

On the other hand, if you have a spare machine at home and your electricity costs aren't high, that’s likely the best scenario to pursue, regardless of whether your node is immediately profitable.

Finally, if you believe that $QUIL can reach at least $2 this market cycle (~ 1.5 to 1.8 billion market cap), then the specifics become less critical. The current cost to mine each QUIL (as of 20.07.2024) is between $0.15 and $0.50, depending on your server costs and specifications.

Created by LaMat /// connect with me on Farcaster or Twitter /// ♡ Donations

{% hint style="warning" %} DISCLAIMER

I can't take responsibility for what you do. The guide's content has been tested and shared as is, but if things go haywire and you accidentally delete your keys or mess up your server, well, that's on you! When in doubt, it's always a good idea to reach out for help in different groups. Oh, and don't forget to backup your keys! That way, even if something goes wrong, you can always reinstall your node from scratch. {% endhint %}

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