
easy scroll up , down animation on jQuery

簡易的 Onepage 動畫 的 jQuery 套件

GitHub Page (


What feature in onepage-scroll-animation:

  • 設定區間距離
  • 誤差容許調整
  • 允許最後一個自動置底
  • 直接跳至指定 section

Depends 相依套件

How to use

Simply include the jquery.onepage-scroll-animation.js file and place the following in the head of your document (make sure jQuery is included):


var osa = $.onePageScrollAnimation({ 
section              	   : [

                                {id:"section1"   , px:0 },
                                {id:"section2"   , px:900 },
                                {id:"section3"   , px:1980 },
                                {id:"section4"   , px:2800 }


var osa = $.onePageScrollAnimation({ 
section          	       : [

                                {id:"section1"   , px:0 },
                                {id:"section2"   , px:900 },
                                {id:"section3"   , px:1980 },
                                {id:"section4"   , px:2800 }
	useNear                 : true,			//啟用容許距離 	(default: false)
    near                    : 100,			//容許距離 		(default: 50)
    onLastAutoToBottom      : true			//最後一個元素自動置底 		(default: false)
    duration                : 500,			//動畫間隔 		(default: 500)
    easing                  : "swing"		//動畫效果 		(default: swing)



var osa = $.onePageScrollAnimation({ 
section   : [

                {id:"section1"   , px:0 },
                {id:"section2"   , px:900 },
                {id:"section3"   , px:1980},
                {id:"section4"   , px:2800 }

osa.gotoSection("section1")	//Scroll to section1

gotoSection adv

gotoSection(sectionID , duration , easing)

osa.gotoSection("section2" , 1000 , "swing")


Demo1 (

Demo2 use with Jarallax (