
Google's ortools with Clojure

Primary LanguageClojureEclipse Public License 1.0EPL-1.0



  • jvm >9
  • leiningen

tested on

  • windows64
  • macosx
  • debian (x64)
  • manjaro (x64)

run the tests

lein test


basic solver

(let [solver (new-mpsolver "myprogram" "GLOP_LINEAR_PROGRAMMING")
        x (.makeNumVar solver 0.0 1.0 "x")
        y (.makeNumVar solver 0.0 2.0 "y")
        objective (.objective solver)]
    (.setMaximization objective)
    (.solve solver)
    (is (= 1.0 (.solutionValue x)))
    (is (= 2.0 (.solutionValue y))))

simple linear problem

(let [solver (new-mpsolver "myprogram" "GLOP_LINEAR_PROGRAMMING")
    x (.makeNumVar solver 0.0 infinity "x")
    y (.makeNumVar solver 0.0 infinity "y")
    objective (.objective solver)]
  (doto objective
      (.setCoefficient x 3)
      (.setCoefficient y 4)

      (.makeConstraint solver -infinity 14.0) ; x + 2y <= 14
      (.setCoefficient x 1)
      (.setCoefficient y 2))
      (.makeConstraint solver 0.0 infinity) ; 3x - y >= 0
      (.setCoefficient x 3)
      (.setCoefficient y -1))
      (.makeConstraint solver -infinity 2.0) ; x - y <= 2
      (.setCoefficient x 1)
      (.setCoefficient y -1))

  (.solve solver)

  (is (=== (.solutionValue x) 6))
  (is (=== (.solutionValue y) 4))
  (is (=== (.value (.objective solver)) 34)))

A Clojure library designed to work with or-tools from google. https://github.com/google/or-tools

Copyright © 2018 hellonico

Distributed under the Eclipse Public License either version 1.0 or (at your option) any later version.