
🦕 Deno module to support msgpack-rpc

Primary LanguageTypeScriptMIT LicenseMIT


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Deno module to support msgpack-rpc by using msgpack-deno.


The Session MUST be closed by close() method to release internal resources. You can use using provided by https://deno.land/x/disposable/ to ensure that while Session implements Disposable of that.


import { Dispatcher, Session } from "https://deno.land/x/msgpack_rpc/mod.ts";
import { using } from "https://deno.land/x/disposable/mod.ts";

const hostname = "localhost";
const port = 18800;

const dispatcher: Dispatcher = {
  sum(x: unknown, y: unknown): Promise<unknown> {
    if (typeof x !== "number" || typeof y !== "number") {
      throw new Error("x and y must be number");
    return Promise.resolve(x + y);

  helloServer(name: unknown): Promise<unknown> {
    return Promise.resolve(`Hello ${name}, this is server`);

  async helloClient(name: unknown): Promise<unknown> {
    // NOTE: 'this' is an instance of Session
    return await this.call("helloClient", name);

async function establishSession(conn: Deno.Conn) {
  await using(new Session(conn, conn, dispatcher), async (server) => {
    console.log("Session has connected");
    console.log(await server.call("helloServer", "Alice"));
    console.log(await server.call("helloClient", "Alice"));
    await server.waitClosed();

for await (
  const conn of Deno.listen({
) {
    .then(() => console.log("Client has disconnected"))
    .catch((e) => console.error(e));


import { Dispatcher, Session } from "https://deno.land/x/msgpack_rpc/mod.ts";
import { using } from "https://deno.land/x/disposable/mod.ts";

const hostname = "localhost";
const port = 18800;

const dispatcher: Dispatcher = {
  async helloServer(name: unknown): Promise<unknown> {
    // NOTE: 'this' is an instance of Session
    return await this.call("helloServer", name);

  helloClient(name: unknown): Promise<unknown> {
    return Promise.resolve(`Hello ${name}, this is client`);

try {
  console.log(`Connect to MessagePack-RPC server (${hostname}:${port})`);
  const conn = await Deno.connect({ hostname, port });
  await using(new Session(conn, conn, dispatcher), async (client) => {
    console.log(await client.call("sum", 1, 1));
    console.log(await client.call("helloServer", "Bob"));
    console.log(await client.call("helloClient", "Bob"));
  console.log("Session has disconnected");
  console.log(`Close connection`);
} catch (e) {


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