- 0
Change Background color
#11 opened by marjue12255 - 2
When viewing the next image in full screen state, the screen size is not correctly recognized
#10 opened by feilwt - 1
GIF's are displayed, but not animated.
#5 opened by lambdan - 0
Add option to save resized image
#2 opened by lambdan - 1
- 0
for macOS 12+, try AsyncImage()
#9 opened by lambdan - 1
- 1
Big Sur'ify Icon
#4 opened by lambdan - 4
Command Arguments
#8 opened by laktak - 1
Automatically resize window to make it larger (but not larger than your display)
#3 opened by lambdan - 1
Show indication that folder has been looped
#1 opened by lambdan