To use this repository you will need:
- Emacs 24.3+
- Emacs’ impatient-mode (available through MELPA)
- JDK 7+
- Leiningen (
- Run lein cljsbuild auto at your terminal to recompile resources/js/script.js from src/cljs/enfocus_demo/core.cljs.
- Run M-x httpd-start in Emacs to start up an HTTP server on port 8080.
- Next open resources/index.html, resources/css/styles.css, and resources/js/script.js in Emacs and run M-x impatient mode in each buffer. Also run M-x auto-revert-mode on resources/js/script.js.
- Point your web browser at http://localhost:8080/imp/ to see the live buffer list. Select index.html.
- You may now edit index.html and styles.css freely in Emacs and see the changes immediately in your web browser. Every time you save core.cljs, it will be recompiled to Javascript and the changes will then appear in your browser after a few seconds.
Happy hacking! ~Gary