
Primary LanguagePython



  • Fully Parenthesized Propositions (with 5 operators, 2 constants)
    <proposition> ::= T | F | <identifier>
                    | ( ¬ <proposition> )
                    | ( <proposition> ∧ <proposition> )
                    | ( <proposition> ∨ <proposition> )
                    | ( <proposition> ⇒ <proposition> )
                    | ( <proposition> = <proposition> )

Evalutaion of Propositions over States

Here, for clarity, we distinguish expressions T, F with their values true, false

  • Constant Propositions:
    1. T -> true, F -> false
    2. ∧, ∨, ¬, ⇒, =: via truth table
    3. composition: repeatly applying 1 and 2
  • Evalutaion Propositions in a State.
    • A state is a function s: { identifiers } => { true, false }
    • A proposition e is well-defined in s if every identifiern in e is in the domain of s.
    • <s,e> = eval_s(e) := eval(e by replacing ids with their values in s)
  • A tautology is a proposition e that is true in every state in which it is well-defined.

    for all s in which id(e) ⊂ domain(s), <s, e> = true

Galois Connection

  • A proposition represents, or describes, the set of states in which it is true. Conversely, for any set of states containing only identifiers associated with true/false, we can derive a proposition that represents that state set. Examples:
    • T represents the set of all states (U).
    • F represents the set of no states ().
    • α: (b ∧ c ∧ d) represents the set A = {{ (b, true), (c, true), (d, true) }}.
    • β: (b ∧ c ∧ d) ∨ (¬b ∧ c ∧ ¬ d) represents the set B of two states:
      • { (b, true), (c, true), (d, true) } and
      • { (b, false), (c, true), (d, false) }.
    • If α => β we say the following equivalent statements:
      1. α is stronger than β;
      2. β is weaker than α;
      3. β's set of states includes α's (and possible more)

F => α => β => T ∅ ⊂ A ⊂ B ⊂ U

Reasoning using Transformations

  1. The Laws of Equivalence
  • Propositions E1 and E2 are equivalent if E1 = E2 is a tautology. In this case, E1 = E2 is called an equivalence.
  • Examples of equivalences are the following laws:
    1. Commutative Laws: E1 ∧ E2 = E2 ∧ E1, ... (reordering and, or, equals)
    2. Associative Laws: *E1 ∧ E2 ∧ E3 = *, ... (allowing dispense with parentheses)
    3. Distributive Laws
    4. De Morgan's Laws
    5. Law of Negation
    6. Law of the Excluded Middle: E1 ∨ ¬E1 = T
    7. Law of Contraditction: E1 ∧ ¬E1 = F
    8. Law of Implication
    9. Law of Equality
    10. Laws of or-simplification
    11. Laws of and-simplification
    12. Laws of Identity
  1. The Rules of Substitution and Transitivity