
LBDflix is a movie app designed for browsing the latest movies, viewing detailed information, and watching trailers. Built with Next.js and CSS, it features a movie search function, rating system, and collections for tailored recommendations. The project is open-source and encourages contributions from developers and enthusiasts.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Welcome to LBDflix Project

Table of Contents
  1. About LBDFlix
  2. Getting Started
  3. Want to Contribute?
  4. License

About LBDflix

LBDflix is a dynamic movie application that gives a variety of movies, movies details, and trailers. It is packed with movie collections for every movie lover and it also recommends movies to users. It is an open source project and open to developers, designers, writers, movie enthusiasts to collaborate and learn.

Built With

  • NextJS - React Framework
  • CSS - Stylesheet language


  • Movie search.
  • Movie rating.
  • Movie collections.
  • Movie Information.

Quick Links

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Join Us

Join our wonderful community on Discord Discord Community

Getting Started


  • Node.js

  • npm

    npm install npm@latest -g


  1. Get a free API Key at The Movie Database. Learn about the API here

  2. If you do not know how to get your API Key, an article on How to Get Your TMDB API Key for LDBflix Contribution is available.

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Want to contribute?

Are a community member or not, we would love your input! Feel free to first check out our code of conduct and also the contribution guidelines for any missing steps.

Contribution steps

You can work on it locally,

  1. Fork this repository

  2. Clone the repo

    $ git clone git@github.com:<your github username>/lbdflix.git
  3. Navigate to the cloned directory

    $ cd lbdflix
  4. Install dependencies

    $ npm install
  5. Start the project on localhost

    $ npm run dev

Notice anything odd and/or missing from this README or on the website itself? Feel free to raise an issue.

Join the amazing LBDflix Community on discord to stay in the loop.

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This repository is under the MIT license.

Please leave a star ⭐️. All support is highly appreciated.

Reference: [4c Community Readme] (https://github.com/FrancescoXX/4c-site/blob/main/README.md)