
Simple website engine.

Primary LanguagePHP

Mikrob 🦠

Simple website engine.


Install the Composer package:

composer require lamberski/mikrob

Create public/index.php and paste:



require 'vendor/autoload.php';

print Mikrob\render_page();

Then start the server:

php -S localhost:8080 -t public

When opened in the browser, the script will automatically detect the page based on $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']:

  • localhost:8080 → pages/index.{json,php,md},
  • localhost:8080/about → pages/about.{json,php,md}.

render_page() accepts an optional parameter to explicitly tell it the page name:

render_page('/contact'); // to render pages/contact.{json,php,md}

It's also possible to generate the page in CLI:

php index.php # to render page pages/index.php
php index.php --path=/terms # to render page pages/terms.{json,php,md}


Pages are files located inside the pages directory. The engine will look for one of three types of files — JSON, PHP, and Markdown. Each file represents one page with a path derived from the directory structure. index.{json,php,md} files receive special treatment by stripping away the "index" segment from the path.

File Address
pages/blog/hello-world.{json,php,md} /blog/hello-world
pages/blog/hello-world/index.{json,php,md} /blog/hello-world
pages/blog/index.{json,php,md} /blog
pages/blog/index/index.{json,php,md} /blog

When Mikrob finds the file for a requested path, it will read its contents and pass it to the defined view template.

Page data is accessible in views as $page. If the page file contains the description property, it will be accessible as $page->description.


    "view": "templates/product",
    "title": "Vacuum-o-matic 2000",
    "description": "Lorem ipsum dolor zamęt.",
    "tags": ["hobby", "travel", "music"]


This type is useful for making some calculations or data fetching before returning the data to view.


return [
    'view' => 'page',
    'title' => 'Hello world!',
    'date' => '2019-03-07',


Each *.md file should consist of two parts — the front matter (JSON-based) and the page body written in Markdown. This format is intended for content-heavy pages and blog posts. The markdown part will be accessible in view as $page->body.

    "view": "post",
    "title": "My first post",
    "published": "2022-10-20"

This is content of my **first post**. It's nice.

Custom page order and path

Pages are ordered alphabetically based on their path.

To customize the order, you can prefix the directory and file names with a number (or timestamp). Eg.

└── blog/
    ├── 01-uno.md
    └── 02-dos.md

But then, it becomes a part of the URL: blog/01-uno.md would be accessible as /blog/01-uno.

To keep the URLs clean, you can overwrite the autogenerated path using the path property.

    "path": "/blog/uno"

Wildcard pages

Paths containing a valid regular expression allow a single page to respond to multiple paths. Mikrob will first attempt to find a direct match for the requested URL. If no direct match is found, it will then evaluate the URL against the regex defined in the path of wildcard pages.

The "not found" error page is a good example. To handle all requests for non-existent pages with a custom 404 error page, create a JSON file at /pages/404.json with the following contents:

    "view": "templates/404",
    "path": "/.*/",

Path parameters

Mikrob supports path parameters using named regular expression groups to dynamically extract segments from URL paths. This allows variable portions of a URL to be defined and utilized as parameters within your application. For example, you can configure a path parameter for news pagination like this:

  "view": "templates/news",
  "path": "#/news(/page/(?<page>\\d+))#"

In this example, the numerical page information from the URL is captured and assigned to the page parameter. When you open the /news/page/2 URL, the "2" will be accessible through $page->params['page'].


You can create a page that only redirects to another location by using the redirect property. This property takes two values: destination, which is the URL to redirect to, and permanent, which is a boolean indicating whether the redirection should be done with a 301 HTTP code.

    "redirect": {
        "destination": "http://domain.com",
        "permanent": true,

This would make the page accessible as /blog/uno.

HTTP status

Sometimes, you might want to inform web browsers or search engines that a page has a specific status.

For instance, when displaying a "not found" page, you can send a 404 status code by setting the status property to 404. This will automatically transmit the status code to the browser.

    "view": "templates/404",
    "path": ".*",
    "status": 404,


Views are PHP files located inside the views directory. They're referenced in pages as view.

  "view": "templates/post"

Inside view files, you can define the HTML structure of your pages, sugar-coated with PHP code (like in the old days).

The main page view has the $page variable containing all the properties defined in the page file.

You can include other views (partials) using load_view(string $path, array $data = []). The second parameter is useful for passing down any values necessary for the partial.

<?= Mikrob\load_view('partials/header', ['title' => $page->title]) ?>