This repository includes the official pytorch implementation of the winning solution in Robust Vision Challenge 2022 (in conjunction with ECCV 2022) - Semantic Segmentation Track. Please refer to the report for some details.
Junfei Xiao, Zhichao Xu, Shiyi Lan, Zhiding Yu, Alan Yuille, Anima Anandkumar
Johns Hopkins University, NVIDIA, Fudan University
Tech. Report
title={1st Place Solution of The Robust Vision Challenge (RVC) 2022 Semantic Segmentation Track},
author={Xiao, Junfei and Xu, Zhichao and Lan, Shiyi and Yu, Zhiding and Yuille, Alan and Anandkumar, Anima},
journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2210.12852},
Upload codes and configs.
Instructions for preparing datasets.
Instructions for training and testing.
Please refer to FAN/segmentation
You may refer to the instruction provided in the official github repo to prepare the datasets from scratch. A fully-processed version is also available at this link, which is for research purpose only. Please refer to the official usage rules of each dataset.
If you find our codes or techiques are useful, please cite our paper with the bibtex above.