
Generates tweets using a user's feed and Sartre's Being and Nothingness.

Primary LanguagePython


With Node.js and Python2.7+ installed (and pip):

~$ git clone https://github.com/lamberta/trumplebot.git
~$ cd trumplebot
~$ make install

Edit the settings.json file and add your Twitter auth keys.

Post Tweet

This generates a single response and posts it to the timeline:

~$ node actions/tweet.js

The default n-gram factor is 3, see the -h flag for options. To generate a number of choices and interactively prompt for a selection:

~$ node actions/tweet.js -i

Bypass generation and post an arbitrary status update from the command-line:

~$ node actions/tweet.js -s 'post this tweet to status timeline'

Read status from a JSON file containing an array of strings, pop off the first one to tweet, and write the remaining back to disk:

~$ node actions/tweet.js -f ./var/statuses.json

Generate Tweet

Train on tweet corpus and generate a response:

~$ python ./generate-tweet/main.py -t tweets.txt

See the -h flag for options. The following trains with text corpus, uses an n-gram factor of 2, and generates 20 responses returned in a JSON array:

~$ python ./generate-tweet/main.py -f corpus.txt -n 2 -c 20 -j


To create new dataset files from the corpus:

~$ make corpus

These files are read and tokenized to train the model.

Downloading Tweets

This method scrapes the Twitter webpage instead of using the provided API because the amount of older tweets are limited.

Use the Twitter Advanced Search and add a username to From these accounts. Set dates if you need to.

On the results page, click Live to put the statuses in chronological order.

Scroll down as needed to go back in through the archive. If this becomes tedious, open of the JavaScript console and enter something like this to let the browser do it:

> var interval = setInterval(function () { window.scrollBy(0, 500) }, 150)

And to stop the scrolling:

> clearInterval(interval)

Save the complete webpage using the browser's save function.

Create a CSV Archive

To get the tweets out of the downloaded page, scrape the file and format into a csv file:

~$ node ./get-tweets/scraper.js saved-tweets.html > tweets.csv

You can scrape multiple files and output the results together, even if the dates overlap. The following scrapes the files, sorts the rows oldest-first using the status id field, removes duplicate entries, and compresses the file:

~$ node ./get-tweets/scraper.js *.html | sort -u -n -t',' | gzip > tweets.csv.gz

Combine Archive Files

To update an archive file, just cat together and re-sort:

~$ gzcat tweets1.csv.gz tweets2.csv.gz | sort -u -n -t',' | gzip > tweets.csv.gz

Archive files are typically in the format: username-lastStatusId.csv.gz, make sure to update the Makefile.

CSV Format

Tweets are stored in a csv file with their status id, timestamp, and text. The status id is an int64 (which JavaScript has trouble with) so should be read as a string, the timestamp is in ISO 8601 format, and the text is a JSON escaped string. A typical entry row looks like:

669750537252970496,2015-11-27T02:57:21.000Z,"escaped \"status\" text"


Add the following to your crontab to schedule a daily tweet at 11am:

0 11 * * * /path/to/trumplebot/bin/autotweet