One of the most important aspects of any student's university life is undoubtedly their grades; therefore, timeliness in the delivery of course grades plays a critical part in creating a positive university experience. Over the last few years, the University of Auckland has seen a large increase in its student body, meaning that more markers are being sought after to match the growing workload. Currently, the marker allocation process is performed manually and is time-consuming. Classe aims to simplify marker allocation and create a more efficient and streamlined process. In doing so, we hope to enhance the university experience for both students and teaching staff alike.
- Node.js v14.14.37
- React.js v17.0.0
- Tailwind CSS v1.7.0
- TypeScript v4.1.2
- Express.js v4.17.1
- SAML2-js v3.0.1
- SQLite3 v5.0.2
- TypeScript v4.2.3
Pre-Commit Hooks
- Eslint v7.23.0
- Husky v6.0.0
- Prettier v2.2.1
Install Node.js.
Then to install Yarn:
npm install -g yarn
Install for automatic node version management
From project root run
yarn install
yarn dev
. -
Open in http://localhost:3000/
After cloning the repository, run
yarn install
. -
Then to install Yarn:
npm install -g yarn
Install for automatic node & yarn version management
From project root run
yarn install
yarn dev
. -
Open in http://localhost:8000/
- Marker Coordinator
- Create courses
- Create course coordinator accounts
- Assign course coordinators to courses
- View list of applicants and their applications
- Accept or reject applicants
- Course Coordinator
- View applicants for courses that they manage
- Accept or reject applicants for their courses
- Marker
- Access information about each course
- Apply for marker positions
- See the status of their application
- Receive an email notification when a decision about their application has been made
- Redesign aspects of the user interface to be more scalable
- Move to a commercialised database structure for more efficient backend hosting
- Incorporate the use of an algorithm to automate marker allocation
- Enable email notifications to be sent to markers once their application has been reviewed