course-management-system Tutorial

This will provide a basic guidline to the beginners who are willing to create a stand alone application with java.
The class diagram

class diagram

*The EER diagram



*Table Mapping



Logging is used to store exceptions, information, and warnings as messages that occur during the execution of a program. Logging helps a programmer in the debugging process of a program. Java provides logging facility in the java.util.logging package

Add this dependancy into pom.xml


Can import as this

import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;

Define logger variable

private static Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(DatabaseConnection.class);

Logger can use to show errors, warnings, informations so on


<<<<<<< HEAD

*Nested classes

In this project, I used a nested class(static nested class) named, CourseTable. By using this nested class we can keep course table logics in seperately but inside the courseUI class. the nested classes will increase the readability. two types of nested classes. 1.static nested class 2.non-static nested class(inner class)

call a static nested class

OuterClass.InnerClass innerClass = new OuterClass.InnerClass();

call a non-static class alias inner class

OuterClass outerClass = new OuterClass();
OuterClass.InnerClass innerClass = InnerClass();

Design Patterns

Design patterns are the best practises following by the OOP experts. Those are the reusable solutions for the commonly occuring problems Those are mainly following into three categories.

1.creational 2.structural 3.behaviour

In this project I used Singleton Design pattern and DAO design pattern

1.singleton design pattern for the database connection.

Singleton design pattern belongs into the creational category. Those are control the object creation and reduce the complexity of the system. This design pattern can use with database connection. By using singleton design pattern for the database connection we can ensure that we will be able to maintain the a single database connection over the project without any problems. other wise if there more than one connections, can be happen problems. Inorder to do that, we have to do two things. number one is make constructor as private. number two is create the one and only object inside the static method. why make constructor as private? It will make sure that there cannot be create more than one object. Then why use static method? it used to take an object without create an instance of the class. (hide the object creation by avoid from use "new" keyword directly.)

public class DBConnection {
    private static DBConnection dbConnection;
    private DBConnection(){
        //keep constructor as private to make sure restrict to the single object creation

    public static DBConnection getInstance(){
            //create an object inside the static method to take instance without using the new keyword
            dbConnection = new DBConnection();
        return dbConnection;

2.DAO design pattern. (dao interface)

DAO design pattern using to seperate the low level data accessing API from high level business level services. In this design pattern, there are three main parts.

1.DAO Interface -Declare the all methods are need to perform on the model

2.DAO Implementation - Take data from the Data source.(database)

3.Model - Java bean (use to store data to transmission purpose) (dao interface)

public interface CourseDao<Course> {    
    public abstract String[][] getAllCourses();    
    public abstract void addCourse(Course course);    
    public abstract Course getOneCourse(int courseID);    
    public abstract void updateCourse(Course course, int courseId);
    public abstract void deleteCourse(int courseId);
} (implementation of dao interface)

public interface CourseDao<Course> {    
    public  String[][] getAllCourses(){
        //implementation to take all courses
    public void addCourse(Course course){
        //implementation to add one course
    public Course getOneCourse(int courseID){
        //implementation to take one course
    public void updateCourse(Course course, int courseId){
        //implementation to update one course
    public void deleteCourse(int courseId){
        //implementation to delete one course
} (model)

public class Course {
    private int courseId;
    private String courseName;

    public Course(String courseName) {
        this.courseName = courseName;

    public int getCourseId() {
        return courseId;

    public String getCourseName() {
        return courseName;

    public void setCourseName(String courseName) {
        this.courseName = courseName;



*GIT commands

basic commands basically local git repository contains three parts. those are

1.working directory (the actual files)

2.index (staging are)

git add filename (will add files from working directory to index)

3.HEAD (points to the last commit)

git commit -m "commit message" (add changes from index to HEAD)


git clone path/to/repository (to clone a local repository)
git clone url(to clone a global repository)
git config --global your email (to configurations)
git status (to check the state)
git push
git pull 
git branch <branch name> 
git checkout <branch name>
git branch -d <branch name>
git remote -v
git diff <source branch> <target branch>

git advanced

git cherry-pick commit-hash (make sure that you are in correct branch. then can pick the commit from another branch into it)
git push -f origin commitid^:branch (to delete last commit message in remote repository)
git reset commitid^ (to remove last commit from local repository)
git commit --amend -m "new commit message" (to rename the commit message)