Gas Station Microservice

This Spring Boot microservice provides information about gas stations, including fuel prices and location data.


  • Java 17 or later
  • Spring Boot
  • Local database MYSQL
  • Restful service


  1. Clone this repository: git clone
  2. Navigate to the project directory: cd gas-station-microservice

Database Setup

  1. Create a local database (MySQL) and configure the connection settings in

Build and Run

The application will start and listen on http://localhost:8080.

Available Endpoints

  • GET /diesel-highest-price - Get gas station with the highest diesel price.
  • GET /e5-highest-price - Get gas station with the highest E5 price.
  • GET /e10-highest-price - Get gas station with the highest E10 price.
  • GET /diesel-lowest-price - Get gas station with the lowest diesel price.
  • GET /e5-lowest-price - Get gas station with the lowest E5 price.
  • GET /e10-lowest-price - Get gas station with the lowest E10 price.
  • GET /DieselMiddlePrice - Get the average price for diesel.
  • GET /E5MiddlePrice - Get the average price for E5 fuel.
  • GET /E10MiddlePrice - Get the average price for E10 fuel.
  • GET /searchByName?name={stationName} - Search gas stations by name.


You can access the different endpoints using a web browser or API testing tools like Postman.