
How many parameters does phylolm estimate? A comparison with caper::pgls()

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I need some help interpreting the number of parameters fitted by phylolm().

In the example below, I have fitted a phylogenetic regression with Brownian motion, and a single continuous predictor. I would expect the number of parametrs to be two: intercept and slope. This is indeed the result I get with caper::pgls().
Instead, phylolm() estimates3 parameters. While the two packages yield models with the same coefficients (and same log-likelihood), they differ in number of estimated parameters, and therefore they differ in AIC and AICc.

Which parametrs is phylolm estimating? Why does it estimate an "extra" parameter compared to pgls::caper?

Thank you!


#data from the ade4 package

#phylogenetic tree
tree <- ape::read.tree(text = lizards$hprA)

data <- lizards$traits %>% dplyr::mutate(names = rownames(.))

#two implementations of the same regression: caper::pgls vs phylolm::phylolm
gls.list <-
    caper =
      caper::pgls(matur.L ~ age.mat, data = = tree, data = data, names.col = names, vcv = TRUE, warn.dropped = TRUE), lambda = 1),
    phylolm =
      phylolm::phylolm(matur.L ~ age.mat, data = data, phy = a.01.tree, model = "BM")

#the models have the same coefficients and log-likelihood
lapply(gls.list, coef)
lapply(gls.list, stats::logLik)

#but different number of estimated parameters

#and therefore, different AIC and AICc
lapply(gls.list, stats::AIC)
lapply(gls.list, MuMIn::AICc)

Some software packages don't count the variance as a parameter, because it's present in all models. Here, could the BM variance be the parameter counted by phylolm but not caper? You didn't include the number of parameters output by each package; that would be useful.

Possibly! In their book on information theoretic methods, Brunham&Anderson (2002, p.63), state that in an ordinary least squares regresion, the variance must be counted in the number of estimated paramaters (together with intercept, slopes, etc). I don't know whether the same should apply to gls.
As for the number of parameters per package, the lines of code are:

#but different number of estimated parameters

The correct number of parameters is 3 (intercept, slope, and variance). I think caper doesn't count variance.

I see, thank you! :)