Validate and display simple and complex forms, casting forms to business objects and vice versa
- 0
Dependency Dashboard
#181 opened by renovate - 2
- 6
Problem with different Renderer
#249 opened by netzfische - 1
DateTimeLocal considers the "step" attribute to be minutes, when the HTML element specification asserts that it is seconds
#265 opened by dootix-developer - 4
Ability to wrap element for complex form rendering
#216 opened by ntbatyr - 3
If you call setData and prepare more than once then collection element names wont get wrapped.
#153 opened by themokx1 - 3
- 6
Date pattern parsing fails with "exotic" locales
#228 opened by pine3ree - 1
- 0
I can't set atrribue "disabe" to fieldset tag.
#155 opened by smj320 - 3
[RFC] Improve type inference for `getData()`
#238 opened by gsteel - 2
- 2
\Laminas\Form\View\Helper\FormSelect does not allow class attribute for <option>s
#239 opened by mattfletcher - 0
- 3
- 1
- 4
Bug of day 31 (Element\Month)
#217 opened by samuelgmartins - 4
- 0
- 1
Add onfocusout on $validGlobalAttributes
#201 opened by Milooz - 0
Removal of `container-interop/container-interop`
#171 opened by boesing - 2
- 7
Github pages isn't working(
#178 opened by GR4NDS0N162 - 9
FormAttributeBuilder exception break on php 7.4
#176 opened by wiryonolau - 3
- 3
After update from 2.17 to 3.1.1: Nested fieldset results in TypeError: template is undefined
#172 opened by B-Kluss - 26
Fix 3.1.1 also for 2.17.0
#162 opened by panvid - 2
- 0
Create a form
#158 opened by froschdesign - 1
disable tag in FieldSet
#154 opened by smj320 - 0
- 6
Allow returning of empty array from multicheckboxes (using use_hidden_element)
#149 opened by tempfirstuser - 0
Missing documentation for Laminas\Form\Element\DateTimeSelect and Laminas\Form\View\Helper\FormDateTimeSelect
#147 opened by froschdesign - 5
- 1
Reboot PSalm
#117 opened by Slamdunk - 2
- 2
Deprecate DateTime Element and related Viewhelper
#115 opened by mimmi20 - 3
- 8
- 0
Psalm integration
#72 opened by boesing - 3
Support for laminas-hydrator v4
#56 opened by michalbundyra - 8
FormRow: allow attributes for "valid" context
#63 opened by Slamdunk - 0
- 3
- 2
$form->getElements() is empty
#95 opened by BrunoSpy - 1
2.16.0 removes FormElementManager::get()
#92 opened by rieschl - 0
PHP 8.0 support
#73 opened by boesing - 1
- 1
Form element remove enhancement
#76 opened by mdhia - 3
FormRow: allow attributes for <fieldset> wrapper
#62 opened by Slamdunk