
Primary LanguagePython

This repo has been deprecated, please refer to https://github.com/lamini-ai/lamini-sdk

To create your own bot

  • Go to https://api.slack.com/apps?new_app=1
  • Choose "From an app manifest" and select "Lamini"
  • Give it a name and set "socket_mode_enabled" to be true
  • Under "OAuth & Permissions", add the following scopes: app_mentions:read, channels:history, chat:write, commands, groups:history, reactions:read, reactions:write
  • Under "Event Subscriptions", enable Events and subscribe to the following bot events: app_mention, reaction_added, reaction_removed
  • (optional) If you want the count slash command to work, add /count-reactions under "Slash Commands"
  • Go to Basic Information, install your app and add an App-Level token with all Scopes
  • Add the bot to your channel using /add in Slack

To run the bot

  • Clone and cd into this repository
  • Update config.json with your Lamini and Slack information (set up above)
    • To get the channel id, go to the channel in Slack and copy the last part of the channel link
  • docker build --tag 'slack_bot' .
  • docker run -d 'slack_bot'