Lammens Jasper

About me

Hi 👋, my name is Jasper, and I am Belgian web developer who lives in Nijlen, a small town in the Kempen. Coding and working together in a team towards a common goal are my greatest passions. Those became a reality when I started my education as a web developer at the Karel de Grote Hogeschool in Antwerp and on the volleyball court of my local club. I like to create things that will give my team the extra push to achieve our goals!


Web developer

Digiti | Oct 2017 - Present

Trying to create a larger impact on the team and the customer, I decided to join a much smaller company. They gave me the opportunity to enrich my skills by learning and using React Native, as well as more responsibilities as it comes to working together with the client.

Web developer

Intracto (now IO) | Dec 2013 - Oct 2017

Original's growth and know-how did not go unnoticed: first we became part of Nivario, and afterwards we joined Intracto as a full-blown Drupal-team. I learned how to navigate a larger chain of command and how to work together with other teams who have their own area of expertise.

Drupal developer

Original | Aug 2012 - Dec 2013

A successful internship was rewarded with a much appreciated job offer, which I gladly accepted! The other colleagues, but especially Gunter Van Steen, really made me feel like this was the place I belonged.


Internship around Drupal

Original | Apr 2012 - Aug 2012

Together with Christophe De Ruyter, we were able to understand and use the Drupal framework. First, we created an internal project. The successful delivery of it was rewarded with an actual case with a real client.

Multimedia and CommunicationTechnology (MCT)

Karel de Grote Hogeschool, Antwerp | 2009 - 2012

Professional bachelor degree, Web & UX track.

High school

Sint-Ursulalyceum, Lier | 2003 - 2009

Science and Math track.


Programming languages and tools

  • PHP
  • Javascript
    • React Native
  • Styling
    • SASS
    • Gulp
  • Docker and Vagrant


  • Mobile-First, fast and complex web platforms
  • Cross-functional teams
  • Agile development & Scrum


When I am not sitting behind my desk, you can usually find me in the kitchen. I love to eat, drink and cook, whether it is desserts or some other dish. I do not have one favorite cuisine, I like to try them all! This also led to me becoming a vegetarian during the summer of 2021. If you want to know more about this, just ask! 😋

Another passion of mine is volleyball: I started at Smash Lier when I was 12 years old and still playing there now. In addition to playing, I also coach and train various teams.

I like the balance of these 3 things: food, volleyball and code. Being passionate about food allows me to play volleyball at a high (physical) level, but it also gives me the necessary nutrition to keep my brain focussed. The hours on the court are the perfect change of scenery between the coffee machine and the desk. The code and technical stuff allow me to overcome various challenges, which I gladly face!