- afrachioniUnited States
- agiliopaduaENS de Lyon
- baip
- CharlesCThomas
- cklossDCS Computing GmbH
- congqiao@twosigma
- costrouc@rstudio
- crtrottSandia National Laboratories
- dawnyesky
- Dixon3
- dsx1986
- fuulish
- harterjIdaho National Laboratory
- isayevCarnegie Mellon University
- jcmadsenBoonsboro, MD
- jeremiahyanAzureTech, Ltd.
- JNapoliAether Biomachines
- KirillLykov
- MaclauringTaiwan
- malramsay64Australia
- marcocaccinRecogni Inc.
- newmennewmen
- ni-sha-cMIT
- OndrejMarsalekFaculty of Mathematics and Physics, Charles University
- onlyhuman91
- qipa
- rbberger@lanl
- samuelkgutierrez@lanl @hpc
- sgowthamMichigan Technological University
- stephanmgUniversity of Bonn, LIMES/HCM
- sturgman
- thomasantonyPurdue University, @Smart-Ag
- timattoxHPE
- tjz2026Institute of theoretical physics, University of Goettingen
- Xmacs
- yaoyongxinUS DOE's Ames Laboratory and Iowa State University