
This project implements basic full workflow cycle of nft project

Primary LanguageJavaScriptApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Full Stack NFT Minting Application with AWS Serverless

This project is a decentralized application (DApp) for managing Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs) on the Ethereum blockchain deployed in AWS Services.

[General Requirement] Develop a serverless web application with a basic dashboard for a minting and distribution system of rewards in an NFT project. Implement a cron job to retrieve data from a database and automate the minting, distribution, and coin rewards for each NFT in a secure and scalable way using AWS technologies

Architecture Design

Based on the requirements, I design an AWS Serverless system as below:


1. Application Features

  • Mint new NFTs with unique metadata and tokenURI
  • View owned NFTs and their details
  • Get Rewards for minting NFTs, and show the reward balance
  • View all NFTs minted by a specific user
  • CI/CD process for project

2. Technologies Used

2.1. For local testing Boilerplate

  • Solidity: Programming language for writing smart contracts on Ethereum
  • Truffle: Development framework for Ethereum DApps
  • Open Zeppelin: Library for secure smart contract development
  • Web3.js: JavaScript library for interacting with Ethereum blockchain
  • React: JavaScript library for building user interfaces
  • IPFS: Decentralized storage for NFT metadata (for local testing)
  • Ganache: Local Ethereum blockchain for development and testing

2.2 For AWS deployment

  • AWS Account
  • AWS serverless, Lambda, CloudFront, DynamoDB, etc.
  • Amazon API Gateway
  • AWS Amazon Managed Blockchain
  • [Optional] Amazon Cognito
  • Please refer to my AWS serverless tutorial in youtube for more detail.

3. Project Setup

The detail of instructions is described as below

  1. Create AWS AMB to communicate with Ethereum Goerli testnet
  2. Create and Deploy Smart Contract to Local/Testnet Blockchain
  3. Create AWS services to interact with Ethereum blockchain and Frontend
  4. Design the FrontEnd for the project


The dashboard looks like: image

4. References

[1] https://docs.aws.amazon.com/serverless-application-model/index.html

[2] NFT Minter Tutorial: How to Create a Full Stack DApp, https://docs.alchemy.com/docs/nft-minter

[3] Develop a Full Stack Serverless NFT Application with Amazon Managed Blockchain – Part 1 | AWS Database Blog}, https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/database/part-1-develop-a-full-stack-serverless-nft-application-with-amazon-managed-blockchain/}.