##Installation ###CocoaPod Podfile:
pod 'SwiftColorPicker'
##Usage ###Simple Example Create a Storyboard with 3 views and set the Classes to ColorWell (UIButton), ColorPicker (UIView) and HuePicker (UIView). Wire the Outlets with the following code:
import SwiftColorPicker
@IBOutlet var colorWell:ColorWell?
@IBOutlet var colorPicker:ColorPicker?
@IBOutlet var huePicker:HuePicker?
// Setup
pickerController = ColorPickerController(svPickerView: colorPicker!, huePickerView: huePicker!, colorWell: colorWell!)
pickerController?.color = UIColor.redColor()
// get color:
// get color updates:
pickerController?.onColorChange = {(color, finished) in
if finished {
self.view.backgroundColor = UIColor.whiteColor() // reset background color to white
} else {
self.view.backgroundColor = color // set background color to current selected color (finger is still down)
##License MIT-License